WB Mike Harris, PM, Secretary 2013

From the Secretary – October 2013


October is upon us and that means the first of two readings of the proposed resolutions of Grand Lodge and I encourage you to attend and perhaps give feedback on this years 4 resolutions, which will be voted on by our members following the second reading at the stated meeting in November.

This month also holds a day dear to my heart as the 19th is my ten year wedding anniversary to my beautiful wife Nancy. We will be celebrating with a week vacation and unfortunately I will miss the Chili Cook Off, have fun.

I hope you all can make it to at least one meeting this month, maybe to hear a proficiency or witness a brother receive the second degree.

Also, I will be getting dues notices out this month and as a reminder of our bylaws, your 2014 dues are due upon the stated meeting of December 2013.

Also if you would be so kind as to mark your calendar for our installation of officers both elected and appointed to serve for the ensuing year of 2014 to be held the 11th of December 2013 at 6:30PM.


Mike Harris PM